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Communication Cards and Brochures

Communication Cards

Communication Card for Law Enforcement and Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Law Enforcement Communication Visor Card
This communication card is for law enforcement officers during a traffic stop with a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Person. This communication card does not replace the requirement of federal and state laws for effective communication to Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind persons, such as sign language interpreters or other services. If you request hard copies of the communication card mailed to you, please contact

COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Card

COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Card
The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Card is available for the public to download and print. Individuals may wish to print the COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Card and bring it to their vaccination site. The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Card does not replace the requirement of federal and state laws for effective communication to Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind persons, such as sign language interpreters or other services.


Communication Rights

Consumer Choice Interpreting

Proficiency Levels for Licensed Sign Language Interpreters
