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Continuing Education Requirements

  1. What is Continuing Education?
    Continuing Education is profession development required under Interpreter for the Deaf Licensure Act of 2007 for sign language interpreters to maintain their license. Proof of continuing education is required at the time of renewal of the license.
  2. How is Continuing Education calculated?
    Continuing Education is earned in increments of a ½ hour after the completion of initial 1 hour. Continuing Education is not awarded for lunch hours, socials and breaks.
  3. How can an interpreter earn Continuing Education?
    Continuing Education is earned by verified attendance at or participation in a program or course that is offered or sponsored by an approved Continuing Education provider. Approved providers include any CMP sponsor for the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID); IDHHC; and any entity approved by IDHHC.
  4. Can university or college classes qualify for Continuing Education credit?
    Yes. Upon successful completion of courses that are part of the curriculum of an accredited institution relating to interpreting, Continuing Education hours are awarded.
         Semester system courses – 1 credit hour = 15 CE hours 
         Quarter system courses – 1 credit hour = 10 CE hours
  5. Is Continuing Education required the first year of having a license? 
    No. When a sign language interpreter submits for the first renewal of their license, there is no requirement to have completed Continuing Education. For example, if an interpreter first received her license May 15, 2024, she is required to renew her license in December 2024. She is not however required to show proof of continuing education when the annual renewal is submitted.
  6. What if I earn Continuing Education hours during the first renewal period?
    Interpreters may “carry over” a maximum of 50% of the required 20 hours in the first renewal cycle that requires continuing education. For example, suppose an interpreter became licensed February 21, 2023 and earned 12 hours of continuing education in 2023.  When the interpreter applies for renewal for the first time in December 2023, he is not required to earn continuing education; he may however carry forward up to 50% of the 20 hours annual requirement into the 2024 renewal cycle. In this example, the interpreter can carry forward 10 of the 12 hours he earned in 2023 when renewing in December 2024.  The remaining 10 hours must have been earned during the period from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.  
  7. What are the requirements for Continuing Education after the first renewal period?
    A sign language interpreter is required to have completed 20 hours of Continuing Education during the previous year.
  8. What if I earn more than the required hours of Continuing Education in one year?
    Interpreters are allowed to “carry over” to the next renewal period up to 50% of the annual 20 hours continuing education requirement.  The maximum allowed to be carried forward from the prior calendar year is 10 hours (50% of 20).  The remaining 10 hours must be earned during the year prior to when the renewal is submitted.  For example, if an interpreter earned 30 hours in 2023, she is allowed to carry forward 10 hours from 2023.  When submitting the annual renewal in December 2024, the remaining 10 hours must have been earned January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. 
  9. Does it matter whether the Continuing Education is classified as “General Studies” or “Professional Studies”?
    No. The Continuing Education requirements do not distinguish between “General Studies” and “Professional Studies”. 
  10. What do sign language interpreters need to provide to IDHHC for proof of Continuing Education hours?
    Interpreters will be required to certify on the renewal application that they have complied with the Continuing Education requirements. At the time of renewal, no additional documentation is required. However, IDHHC will perform random audits to verify interpreters’ compliance with Continuing Education requirements. If audited, the interpreter is required to produce evidence of completion such as a Certificate of Attendance. Interpreters shall maintain evidence of completion for 3 years after the end of the relevant reporting period.
