Initial License | Application Fee | License Fee |
Full Year | $50.00 | $175.00 |
Pro-Rated (after 7/1) | $50.00 | $90.00 |
Expires annually on December 31st.
Click on Enterpise Licensing and Permitting (ELP) below to begin your initial license application.
The Illinois Interpreters for the Deaf Licensure Act of 2007 requires anyone who is providing interpreting services in Illinois to be licensed unless specifically exempted under the Act. It is unlawful for any person to practice, offer to practice, attempt to practice or holds himself or herself out to practice as a Sign Language Interpreter for the Deaf without being licensed or exempt under this Act.
Initial License | Application Fee | License Fee |
Full Year | $50.00 | $175.00 |
Pro-Rated (after 7/1) | $50.00 | $90.00 |
Expires annually on December 31st.
Click on Enterpise Licensing and Permitting (ELP) below to begin your initial license application.
The annual renewal period is open from November 1 to February 15 of the following year.
Annual Renewal | Dates | Renewal Fee |
Timely | Nov 1 - Dec 31 | $150.00 |
Late | Jan 1 - Feb 15 | $150.00 + $60 late fee |
The annual renewal fee is $150 and is processed when submitting the renewal application. Late renewals are accepted January 1 – February 15. The late renewal fee is $210 ($150 annual renewal and $60 late fee).
In November of every year, renewal notices are sent to the email address listed in your ELP profile. If you did not receive an email, please check your spam, or junk folders. The automated emails are sent from:
If you did not receive the renewal email, you can start the renewal application directly from your ELP profile. Once you are logged into your ELP profile, select the Certification/License tab. Next you will need to select IDHHC from the drop-down menu. You should now see your license listed. All the way to the right, click on the last icon *The blue renew now is not a link to the renewal application.
Your license is not renewed upon the submission of the application and fees. All renewal applications must be reviewed and approved by IDHHC staff. Once the application has been approved, you will receive an email notification and be able to download a copy of your digital license from the profile.
If the renewal has not been processed by December 31st, your license is considered expired until the renewal process is completed.
5 Years or Less Restoration
Any sign language interpreter for the deaf whose license has expired or has been placed on inactive status for 5 years or less may have the license restored by paying the fees required by Section 1515.70 and providing proof of completion of 20 CE hours during the 2 years prior to submitting the restoration application. For more details, please review the Section 1515.120 Restoration of the Rules.
5 Years or More Restoration
Any person seeking restoration of a license that has been expired or placed on inactive status for more than 5 years shall file an application, on forms supplied by the Commission, for review by the Board, together with the fee required by Section 1515.70 of this Rules. In addition, the applicant must submit one of the documents as outlined in the Section 1515.120 Restoration of the Rules.